Problem Statement
The Coursera of Immersion Travel
Universities understand the importance of experiential learning to help students bridge the skills gap, but implementing effective experiential learning programs isn’t always easy.
Immersity partners with the world’s leading universities to equip them with a suite of proven experiential learning programs.

Ideation Process
Who does Immersity represent?
Immersity represents a movement of people who are not conventional student. These students are “outside the box”.
However, clearly they lack something from “inside the box” of the conventional system, and Immersity fills that gap. Therefore, these students are hybrids—both inside and outside the box.

In the sketching stage, I experimented with simple shapes, and overlapping elements. I wanted to capture "immersion" and "learning" with minimal elements.

Brand Identity
Combining the explorations from sketching, I developed the digital logo.

Final logomark, logotype, and logo.